Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Spread of Corruption in India

Person's life in today's modern age is restricted only to their own interests. Self-interest behind every action is key. Immorality in society, with chaos and selfishness is dominated by emotions. As a result, Indian culture is holy and moral. One reason for this is corruption spreading in society.Ijafa in inflation is back breaking work. Due to the growing requirements of man he was to meet his favorite methods.

Spread of corruption in India day - throughout the day - is growing. Go to any area appears to spread corruption. India's government and non - government departments are the best testimony to the fact. You want to be here any assignment, done without a bribe is not possible causes. Minister for the Sentry impair your files have to raise money for gifts. Schools and colleges are also prone to corruption. These are just other ways. Education for children from poor families so is restricted only to public schools and small colleges. To renowned schools, the donation is asked for the name of the big bucks. Banks which are the backbone of the economy of every country, they also suffer from the disease of corruption. If you apply for any loan without any hassle to get the file, it may not be possible. Our police department is in charge of internal security of the country is. But come the day the news - that Amuk City police officer accused of taking a bribe to the left. Such corruption undermines India's.

Fun spreading in our society, the monster will kill the snake. First it is necessary to take each person's moral high. Each person to fulfill their duties to their out of this corruption. That's not something essential part of education would add that our new generation about the evolving nature of culture and moral values ​​patterns. Harsh judicial system and the general public will have to provide the necessary facilities. Will proceed on that basis, then, can be expected to improve the situation somewhat.

Monday, January 2, 2012

How Fashion and Trends Affects Teenagers?

Damn it!I didnt get the shirt Vivek Oberoyi wore in Saathya-said a boy disgusted after his shopping.On the other side,a teenage girl wearing a sleeveless outfit says "Now i am free".
There is nothing to get alarmed at,they are all victims of fashion fever.It changes every second every day.Its target mainly being the teenagers.

In this ever changing world of fashion,it is very difficult to keep pace with the latest fashions.But the teenagers manage to do because wonders never cease to exist.The teens today are busy to know what is hot and what is out rather than going through their lessons and learning what is important.

Some teenagers are trying to remain slim by dieting or by wearing tight belts for waste bands while others spend most of their precious time in the gym to shape their body.With fashion changing everyday they have to buy clothes of latest fashion,there by emptying their fathers wallets.Fashion is in short a fever,a craze which changes with time and spreads as fast as wild fire.For heaven sake,Let us not become fashion fanatics and try to avoid vulgarity and other evils that come along with it.