Monday, January 2, 2012

How Fashion and Trends Affects Teenagers?

Damn it!I didnt get the shirt Vivek Oberoyi wore in Saathya-said a boy disgusted after his shopping.On the other side,a teenage girl wearing a sleeveless outfit says "Now i am free".
There is nothing to get alarmed at,they are all victims of fashion fever.It changes every second every day.Its target mainly being the teenagers.

In this ever changing world of fashion,it is very difficult to keep pace with the latest fashions.But the teenagers manage to do because wonders never cease to exist.The teens today are busy to know what is hot and what is out rather than going through their lessons and learning what is important.

Some teenagers are trying to remain slim by dieting or by wearing tight belts for waste bands while others spend most of their precious time in the gym to shape their body.With fashion changing everyday they have to buy clothes of latest fashion,there by emptying their fathers wallets.Fashion is in short a fever,a craze which changes with time and spreads as fast as wild fire.For heaven sake,Let us not become fashion fanatics and try to avoid vulgarity and other evils that come along with it.

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