Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How Alcoholism Affected Keralites?

There is a rapid increase in Alcoholic consumption in Kerala.The effect by the consumption cause a adverse effect on the society.It affects not only the society but the family as well.Like an octopus it is getting ready  to tie up its tail on the flesh of whole society. It is really shocking.It is spreading the dragon to the unaffected  area too.Now a days major part of the income of the common man is spend for the same is  thought provoking.
                It is a matter of joking that almost all religions are against liquor. All the prophets and the propagandists preached much about the disasters of liquor. All holy books propagated the evils caused by liquor. But in actual life the parameters mounted to the zenith.Almost all walks of the society victimized the pathetic  condition .
                           It is a matter of shocking that children from small age group get affected much.It is common the quarrels between the parents among themselves. The government of kerala is still appreciating the production of alcohol and thus by the consumption of it.It is because that one of the main revenue to the government is through the alcohol production.Billions of money are spent during the festive seasons on it.Thus the half of production of kerala is simple wasted. . 

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